Archive for the ‘guest bedroom’ Category

Bedroom Updating

Monday, December 13th, 2010

I’ve been futzing with the guest bedroom after the recent acquisition of a few items.

I know nothing is spectacularly new and exciting and slowly things have been shifting around, but I’m still coming up short on headboards and bed linen. I just can’t seem to find anything I can afford that I love. Not to say I haven’t found lots of stuff I LOVE, but usually it’s in the crazy 1st Dibs level of pricing that isn’t feasible for our tens of dollars kind of budget. I’m thinking I may have to make some sort of slab headboard and then magically acquire some Area bedding.

Change wise, burly tables came in from the master bedroom for nightstand action. I hung my estate sale vintage rug, and the new credenza also seems to have wandered in here as well as a new thrifty lamp.

Bowie/Thunder Foot was getting a bit riled up by the impromptu photo shoot, so he spent some time relaxing on the rocker. I wish he would stop growing up so quickly, he’s very much becoming a little man (with a neutering appointment at the end of January).

Yup. So there is that.

The Great Rearrangement

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Marvel at the power of human beings moving things. Things like coffee tables.

Remember this one from Craigslist? BOOM. In the den now.

The giant Burly Beast? BOOM. Living room.

It only weighs about 500lbs. I think I blew a gasket and The Boy has a shiny new hernia.

Still need a new mantel.

What about lights? You might have noticed the new Craigslist bubble lamp made its way into the bedroom.

But what of the lucite/gold motherf*cker?

BOOM. Guest bedroom.

Which means the Sputnik had to find a new home…

BOOM. Back to the den.

See that? How I made that circle back to the den? Those are blogging skills.

As you can see we moved some stuff around, moved other things to storage and are testing out the new arrangement. So far? Good to go. Weather and schedules have been a little nuts, so exterior projects have been put on hold. Which gets me all itchy for change and then the interior takes the brunt of my crazy.


Saturday, May 1st, 2010


I bought some more cowhides. There was a snafu, not the best deal ever, but a bit of one. Better than ebay but not as good as craigslist. Let’s just leave it at that, agreed?

Iggy can be a disgusting jerk and has systematically ruined every rug in the house except for the cowhides. Sometimes I think just to spite me. He won’t mark cowhides or throw up on them or gingerly carry chunks of poo nuggets to leave scattered about on them. The hides remain unsoiled, pristine and lovely without that damn little dog raging war on them. The rest of the house is weirdly safe, it’s just that any cushy rug I bring into the house is immediately marked for destruction. And I have had ENOUGH. I snapped. I bought cowhides.

So cowhide. I’m a fan.