Archive for the ‘bedroom’ Category

Fence Bench

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

When we disassembled the side yard fence there were a bunch of rotten 4×4″ posts left over. I’ve been considering building a small bench for the master bedroom for some time and when presented with the wood leftovers, thoughts of a very cheap but super chunky piece of furniture danced in my noggin. Paired with a pair of left over Eames LTR bases (salvaged from our old beat up surfboard table) this little reclaimed wood bench was pretty easy to assemble.

Here’s how:


4 – Reclaimed wood fence posts
2 – Eames LTR bases (I salvaged mine off a broken Eames elliptical table)
4 – 12″ metal straps
Bunch of Screws
Teak Oil (or Danish Oil)

First, we cut off the rotten ends of the fence posts which left us with a usable length of 56″.

Then, I inset the bases 6″ from the end.

The straps were placed evenly around the bases and screwed into the wood.

To finish up construction, the the bases were then screwed into place.

Boom. Done.


I gave the wood a quick sanding to remove any residual gunk, dirt or splinters.

After the dust was cleaned off, I rubbed the wood down with a few coats of teak oil (I had it laying around) to seal and protect the wood. Then done!

The treated wood darkens up a lot with the oil.

The Great Rearrangement

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Marvel at the power of human beings moving things. Things like coffee tables.

Remember this one from Craigslist? BOOM. In the den now.

The giant Burly Beast? BOOM. Living room.

It only weighs about 500lbs. I think I blew a gasket and The Boy has a shiny new hernia.

Still need a new mantel.

What about lights? You might have noticed the new Craigslist bubble lamp made its way into the bedroom.

But what of the lucite/gold motherf*cker?

BOOM. Guest bedroom.

Which means the Sputnik had to find a new home…

BOOM. Back to the den.

See that? How I made that circle back to the den? Those are blogging skills.

As you can see we moved some stuff around, moved other things to storage and are testing out the new arrangement. So far? Good to go. Weather and schedules have been a little nuts, so exterior projects have been put on hold. Which gets me all itchy for change and then the interior takes the brunt of my crazy.

Womb Chair

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Well, I got some bad news from Alex . The womb can’t come in tweed…something about the stretch won’t work. Boo hoo!

So, the solids will have to do. Which means…



I know – so boring, so safe. But with the frequency I move things around I needed to stick to a color that could go anywhere and stand up to two puppies (I’m holding a sleeping puppy right now and trying to think of names).

Modern Furniture Rental extended the order dates for their custom order shipment through Oct. 20th. Contact Alex if there is a piece you’ve been dreaming about…I can’t wait to get my Womb in a few weeks and finish up the bedroom.

Gray Womb!

I’ve been running around working with the talented and hilarious Laure as well as other great folks (on a real TV show!), trying to finish up design projects, checking out San Diego (hey lurker, this is for you) as well as trying to figure out how to puppy proof the house and a name! Also I think my Google reader just killed itself after being wildly neglected and I am so behind on emails and responsibilities and blogs and all my stories (that’s just crappy TV shows). My iphone is not a real laptop. Seriously. SERIOUSLY.

More soon. Huggy hug hugs and sleepy dog kisses.