Archive for the ‘office’ Category

Herman Miller

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

I did a little interview for the Herman Miller Lifework blog. We talked about my office/den and I realized I have nothing useful to say about organization. It did force me to update the tour of the den. Rad.

Check it out HERE if you are so inclined.

Now if they would just send me some fancy Herman Miller stuff I would be the luckiest girl around. I’d take an ottoman for my fake Eames lounger, oh you know what, why not just throw the chair in too. I’ll be holding my breath.


Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I love you. You are my everything.

My Verizon contract finally ended and now my little Copperfield (cause it’s f*cking magic!) is all mine. I’ve waited for years for this moment and I hate myself for needing your hard plastic touch so much…

Not to be a total douche-bag but are there any apps or other things you fancy folks recommend? Words with Friends is the business. LOVE.

BTW the Boy hates me. I have immediately turned into everything we despise and I am officially the worst person ever because of this expensive little techno minx. I bet the novelty wears off in a month…


Thursday, August 27th, 2009

On the vintage shopping rounds I also picked up this vintage painting of a sassy pink lady at the Goodwill. She watches over the computer and den with her monochromatic steely gaze.

What a sweater kitten. Meow.