Archive for 2010

DIY Terrarium

Friday, November 12th, 2010

A few weeks back when I was working with the jet-setting and uber talented Laure on a now wrapped make-over show, we made some succulent plantings to use as little green bits of awesome styled up on coffee tables or credenzas or wherever. It was super fun making them and I thought they looked fantastic.

Now, just a little while ago, I went to San Diego to hang out and shop a bit and ran into a ton of terrariums and succulent plantings in all the high-end vintage shops for hundreds and hundreds of dollars (seriously, I saw one for $350, no joke). The pricing seemed totally outrageous, but I still loved the look. How hard could it be to make a few thrifty versions to throw around the house?

Answer. Not very hard at all.

Supplies :

+ Glass Containers (I found mine at the thrift store for just a couple of bucks a pop)
+ Palm & Cactus Mix
+ Decorative Rock (I used Lava rock, because that was really the only small rock option at Home Depot for some reason)
+ Succulents and Cacti (Again, I kind of just grabbed what was at Home Depot)

I boned up on some tutorials around the web that said you can put charcoal in the bottom layer to battle any smell issues. I did not do this since I forgot. Some folks say yes, some say no – we will see how that pans out.

First, I put some of the lava rock on the bottom to act as a drainage layer.

Second, I put the Cactus and Palm soil mix in and made some little planting areas. This is not rocket science, but it is kind of dirty.

When planting remember:

+  Ruff up the roots a bit to let the plant know it’s out of its pot.
+  Plant it at the same depth it was growing in the pot.

Once the soil was ready, I planted a trio of itty-bitty plants while adding a bit of extra soil to secure them in place.

To finish it off I just added a layer of lava rock to the top.

Bam. Done.

Succulent and cacti plantings achieved! I cleaned up the glass and gave them a little water.

The thing I like about these type of succulent plantings is that they’re very low maintenance. They tend to need a bit of neglect and sun, both of which I can provide in spades.

For now they are chilling on the big bad burl in the living room. Eventually, they’ll find their forever home somewhere else in the homestead…someday…

So, to wrap up:

DIY skill level? Super Easy.

Cost? Less than $50.


Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Maybe you caught me on twitter (twittering? uggggh) talking in 140 characters or less about a local Hemet estate sale I visited. Oh yeah, and if you want to hear about lame stuff like what I find in thrift stores or the puppy or other crap no one could be interested in you can follow along via @The_Brick_House. I warned you. It’s drivel.

While at the estate sale on Friday I saw a few interesting things, but the pricing was a little wacky. The coffee table above was $85 (plus a bunch of free spiderwebs for your trouble) while this sofa below was $50 (and unfortunately already sold).

Needless to say I left on Friday empty handed. But…

Saturday was 1/2 off day. Since the sale was only about a mile from my house I went back about a half hour before they closed up to check out what was left.

Well, obviously the coffee table was left and marked down 50%, but I wanted it cheaper. CHEAPER! Want to know my big secretly lazy trick for thrifty estate deals? I already said it. GO AT THE END. At that point they really are just giving that crap away. You risk missing out, but you gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run.

Yeah, that just happened.

So, I offered $20. SOLD.

I know you get the idea of what the table looks like, but this is the only picture I could get of the two dogs even remotely together. Poor Iggy is still TERRIFIED of the new puppy and will run away when approached.

I also grabbed a gigantor white ceramic lamp while I was there.

The hulk sized lamp is living in the living room for now. I’m not sure what to do with it, that thing is MASSIVE.

BTW, I know the coffee table switching thing is out of control. I have four in the garage right now and this is a problem I need to address. Obviously, I am addicted to deals! At least its not crack.


Monday, November 8th, 2010

I’ve been out and about thrifting it up and not finding too much that I can bring home. Big stuff is questionable due to spare room being an issue, but I might just start stockpiling furniture and begin offering things for sale yet again. I’m finding it more and more difficult to pass up on good deals and pieces I know would look killer in someones stylish home. It may have to be some kind of online thing – that’s what the kids are all doing, right? I’m kind of done with Etsy and Ebay as a seller and have been considering Big Cartel or some simple format that would be a little less stress. I don’t know really. This is all ramblings of a furniture hoarder trying to justify their madness.

But back to what I did find.

So, on the rounds I picked up this poor butterfly with its ass hot-glued to a stick as well as a sea urchin type shell thing. It’s like Animal Planet around here, totally nature themed.

I also grabbed this illustrated brass serving tray. The eyes sum up how I’ve been feeling lately.