Archive for the ‘links’ Category


Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

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Thanks to…

Emmas Designblogg!
Fast Company!
Better Living Through Design!

Lindsey Adelman’s site!

For mentioning this bloggity and our DIY Chandelier.

I don’t even want to mention that I’m sort of contemplating reworking it for the bathroom and replacing it with this. (The Galaxy in brass!) (BTW – I STILL need to spend my gift certificate)

Sorry for the layout weirdness – I’m trying out some bigger picture stuff. Stick with me! Hopefully we will whip this blog into shape.

Holler Homies

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

I know I signed off and all but I just had to step back in and mention that I got a little surprise nomination over at Apartment Therapy 2009 Homies showdown. Thanks dudes, I’m all flattered and shiz.

If you’d like to favorite The old Brick House, I won’t stand in your way. Also, if you want to check out my growing favorite list please do so here.

But why you ask was I so distracted not to notice this radness? Hint Hint:

DSC06170 copy

Is that a f*cking tractor? Oh hell yeah.

Hmmmmm, what kind of tractor worthy projects could be happening ’round Casa de la Brick?

Happy Holidays!

Signing Off

Monday, December 21st, 2009

( Elad Lassry )

Season Greetings with arty style.

The gang here at Chez Brick is focusing on some BIG projects, lots’o thrifting, holiday cocktails and travel of the family kind (therefore explaining the drinking). So here’s to making it through the holidays unscathed!

We will be back after the holiday (maybe with a new sleeker sexy sporty look if you’ve been good), some sore backs and a bag full of goodies to share. Come on Santa you son-of-a-bitch, fill those thrift stores with delicious treats.

Happy Holidays!