Archive for September, 2009

Ikea Weekend

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Looks like a trip to Ikea is in the works for this weekend. Our closest Ikea is an hour and a half from the old Brick House so I always try to get my game plan on, especially for a trip to the big blue and yellow on a Saturday. Arguing couples, college freshmen and lost kids. Should be fun filled.


MASKROS is the shiz.

I saw this a few weeks ago on a quick trip through Ikea and was amazed by how HUGE this light is. I was worried it might look super crappy cheap but was pleasantly surprised by the fabulous drama it delivered. It needs another look-see but this may just be a contender for the guest bedroom.


This IS NOT the light I really want to talk about, but I can’t remember what the new rattan UFO spiky pendant thing is called and it is nowhere on the website. Anyways – I LOVED that light (whatever its called) and only sort of dug the BÖJA. Both need another looking over.


IKEA PS VÄVA – Thats it.

I want to see if I can check out the SPRAKA pepper mill. I’ve been unsuccessful finding this crazy thing so far, but hope it pops up during my pursuing.


Every time I go to Ikea I stop, I touch and I look longingly at this rug. I keep trying to figure out where I could throw it down…


and the master bedroom just might be a winner. Anyone purchase this big jute baby? Reviews?

So, is there anything else exciting I should be on the look out for? Besides a hot dog, a lingonberry soda and a vanilla cone on the way out…

Bathroom Shelf

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Hey it’s my 300th post!

Wow, somehow I’m a little more sad about that than celebratory. I just see all that time. Gone. Oh man.

Anyhoo, we custom built a long shelf in the fleshy pink bathroom. I despise stuff cluttering my bathroom counters, but somehow a tastefully arranged shelf seems a little more artful. Plus I’m going to install a little hook to hang my ugly dryer from and some hand towels. The hair dryer drives me bonkers – but not bonkers enough to put it away everyday.

We still need to raise the mirror, install hardware, caulk and paint everything to finish it all off.

Ugh. Bathroom. Hot mess.


Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Awwwwww. Delicious.

via the ever tasteful Remodelista.

Richard Ostell has a pretty nice picture blog as well. None of this crappy writing to dirty up all that tasteful sereneness.