Archive for September, 2009

Master Bedroom

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009


Rest up Iggy. Your going to need it.

Next thing on the list is the guest bedroom…

Shout Out

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Mad props to Better Living Through Design for featuring my DIY book shelf. They’ve always got pretty stylish things happening around BLTD so it’s rad to be featured.

Which reminds me, I probably should show the updated shelf styling…


Tuesday, September 29th, 2009


I’ve mentioned my love of all things Ben Seibel. I suspect the universe heard, but just missed the mark on exactly what it is that I really want. Not that I’m complaining – I just really want some goddamn bookends.

I stopped by my local Angel View (where the prices are much more reasonable) on the way to Target on Sunday. I looked around, didn’t find much of anything and decided to check out the two front jewelry cases where they normally keep the small and pricier items.

Scattered around the cases I saw a slew of vintage Jenfred-ware. I bought it all and was very, very pleased.