
January 25th, 2010

Donna Palimino, I hope one day you google your name out of vanity or boredom and somehow this post finds you. I have your slightly suggestive (and mildly inappropriate) dolphin stroking photo taken at the Miami Seaquarium in 1980.

It’s currently installed in my hallway, right outside the master bedroom. For romance of course.


January 22nd, 2010

The Brick House Tour tab is up and running. Check it out for an organized view of most of the place.

I’ll keep it updated as we switch things around (which totally will happen ALL THE TIME) and when we get other projects (like the exterior) further along the road to finished.

Enjoy the weekend, homies.


January 22nd, 2010

This is California dammit. Stop having weather.

Every day I commute from the desert valley to the mountain range above. When there is extreme weather like we’ve been having this week, it makes mountain driving super annoying and dangerous. The only plus side is that this is the prettiest time of the year for my commute (yup, those pics are from my drive home) and we get all that much needed moisture to make the plants happy.

Folks with real snow, I don’t know how you do it. We get a few feet and I’m ready to throw in the towel and totally wander into the wilderness to die. We’ve got tornado warnings in Hemet on the plus side. Say what!