
February 15th, 2010

Modernism overload.

The convention was full of beautiful, no, BEAUTIFUL things.

I’ve never felt so very, very poor. All of you COME HOME WITH ME.

Modernism Week

February 12th, 2010

It’s motherfucking Modernism Week!!!!!

Too bad I already missed out on the home tours. Dammit, this happens every year! Sold out again.

I am going to the convention and hopefully checking out other fun events. Anyone want to join me? The Boy is so not interested…


February 12th, 2010

Maya emailed me about a new blanket at Ikea that is super dope.

The Henny!

I want it, it makes my eyes go all wonky with greed. I’m also interested in checking out this for the patio. I’m wondering if I can hack a wood top for it. An exploratory trip to Ikea may be in order.