Archive for 2010

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Recently I picked up Desert Works by Rick Joy, since I’ve been doing a bit of research trying to figure out solutions for our exterior (plus, I love me some desert architecture). Apologies for the terrible scans, our scanner is not what I would call “nice”. It’s a pretty cheap-o all-in-one printer type unit that doesn’t deal well with pictures.

Anyway, this book makes me want to build a minimal desert monolith and perpetuates my need to use steel as a go-to exterior treatment. Plus, butterfly chairs. ‘Nuff said.

I’ve also been stalking Barbara Hill’s portfolio for my fix of minimal desert modern design. It’s been a spiral of design despair around here recently.

Doesn’t look like we will meet our 2010 Year of the Exterior deadline. We failed. Maybe it was a bit overly ambitious to think we could get EVERYTHING done when we don’t have big budgets or lots of extra labor. I do know that we have some pretty exciting ideas and projects as well as other things coming up soon. Decisions need to be made, shovels need to be dusted off and wallets need to be cracked.

Time to get landscaping. (Or at least thinking about it in earnest).


Monday, December 6th, 2010

Poo Guy? Gone. I heard you naysayers and I agree. I’m nothing if not responsive.

Being that it was time to switch things up, it was a good thing I found this crazy geometric wannabe Jim Isermann painting at Revivals. Boom.

Boom. Other stuff.

Visited the Mt. Fuji General Store / The Group Formerly Known as Smockshop pop-up shop at The Ace Hotel this weekend and got a new book and a Japanese ceramic bowl. It was really fantastic pop-up, with tons of interesting handmade one-of-a-kind type items to peruse with fantastic women making it all look pretty incredible. In retrospect I should have brought a camera.

Otherwise, thrift type things included some chunky marble bookends, a textury pillow, a Navajo style basket and a Dansk IHQ wood thing (I have no idea what this is used for, I’m assuming to scoop candy into my mouth).

I also picked up this kooky nutcracker and some more ceramics (because I don’t have enough already). The Brick House, where your high school ceramic project comes to retire. Speaking of handmade projects, I found a pair of macrame hanging type things a little while back. They are like 6′ feet tall and hard to photograph (there is nowhere for me to hang them, since I’ve been refusing to install them).

Here’s the pair in all their lumpy glory. I can’t figure out what to do with them, I think I love them, but I’m not sure I have a spot for them in the house. I have a feeling that macrame hanging things are awesome though, and deserve some interior love.

Then there is this.

I still need to clean it up a bit and refresh that wood but I think it is going to end up having to do something with this little mini makeover I’ve been working on…

Because nothing can stay the same around here for too long.

Also, totally gearing up to start offering vintage stuff for sale online again. Can you tell? I’ve been stocking up and am aiming to launch in the new year. Boom.

Press Dump

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

Apologies for the press dump, just trying to keep track of happenings around the internet and beyond…

Finally got a hold of a copy of ReadyMade Magazine (can you tell by the scan?). Well look at that, I have a little project article in a print magazine. Nice! Thanks to Sonia for introducing me and the ReadyMade staff for taking a chance on a little DIY’er in Hemet. Oh, and for any editors out there, I just wanted to mention that I love freelance. Hey now!

Some nice interview action happening around the interweb as of late:

>Style At Home did a sweet Featured Blogger post about The Brick. That’s a magazine and in Canada – double points.
>The Designer Pad has a nice write up about our project as well.
>And ANA, the LOVELY & AMAZING ANA of Rearranged Design asked me some naughty questions.

Also, a big thanks to all those who mentioned our new fence bench.

>Door Sixteen
>Apartment Therapy

And one last nod to Elle Interior for their mention of our shelves. Thank you everyone, my heart is filled to bursting.

For extra bonus pleasure, I’ve updated all my DIY tutorials, so if there is something you want to try over the weekend check out how HERE.

Have a great weekend full of magical childlike delight in the face of an overwhelmingly brutal holiday season. You’ve made it through to the other side of a link bonanza. Congrats. I love you.