Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Finally saw the Godmorgon bathroom series at Ikea. Although it was not totally installed at the store it was still more together than last time.



Not that impressed.

Bloggy BDAY

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

I just noticed.

This little blog had its birthday (a month ago).

Iggy is totally judging me for forgetting. Or maybe hes just farting. Who can tell.

The house didn’t kill me, but its trying…

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Yes, I am lame.

I fell off the grid and ignored the Brick House. Now the bitch is biting me in the ass. Roof leaks, a waning water heater, still no fence and for some reason the house expects me to clean it instead of fending for itself. Stupid lazy house.

There hasn’t been too much to report. The house and I are like uncomfortable roommates and just want to avoid each other in these uncertain economic times…

I have some thrifty finds and NEED to have a garage sale. The house is full of stuff and I need to SELL SELL SELL (or finally admit I have a problem and turn into a full on hoarder).

A better post to come…unless I sink back into a self indulgent depression. Cheers!