Archive for the ‘dining’ Category

Living & Dining

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Got around to hanging art and curtains.
This will be the house of scary portraits and designer knock offs.

The khaki curtains are some leftovers from our apartment in Long Beach. They are of course from Ikea, I kind of hate them.

I will eventually put up an under layer of sheers and remove those AWFUL nasty blinds. Another day and another dollar. Also, I’d like to put a bigger and bluer rug under the table. I got my FLOR samples in the mail and I’m waffling on color and texture (and of course price).

The options:

Fedora – Dusty Turquoise ($6.99)
Toy Poodle – Toto Teal (13.99)

I think Fedora wins, just by being so much cheaper. Its OK looking and will only cost about $160 to do the dining room (which is a weird size – very square). Plus we will eat and spill on it and I won’t be so attached….I do love that chartreuse color though.