Archive for May, 2010


Saturday, May 1st, 2010


I bought some more cowhides. There was a snafu, not the best deal ever, but a bit of one. Better than ebay but not as good as craigslist. Let’s just leave it at that, agreed?

Iggy can be a disgusting jerk and has systematically ruined every rug in the house except for the cowhides. Sometimes I think just to spite me. He won’t mark cowhides or throw up on them or gingerly carry chunks of poo nuggets to leave scattered about on them. The hides remain unsoiled, pristine and lovely without that damn little dog raging war on them. The rest of the house is weirdly safe, it’s just that any cushy rug I bring into the house is immediately marked for destruction. And I have had ENOUGH. I snapped. I bought cowhides.

So cowhide. I’m a fan.